GEC-Transition Endline Evaluations

DR Congo

REALISE, Save the Children: December 2021 - read report

Excelling Against the Odds, ChildHope/CHADET: May 2021 - read report

Making Ghanaian Girls Great!, Plan International: December 2021 - read report

Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria
Discovery Project, Impact(Ed): November 2020 - read report


Jielimishe, I Choose Life - Africa: January 2022 - read report

iMlango, Avanti Communications: February 2022 - read report

Expanding Inclusive Education Strategies for Girls with Disabilities Kenya, Leonard Cheshire: March 2022 - read report

Kenya Equity in Education Project, World University Service of Canada: June 2022 - read report

Wasichana Wetu Wafaulu, Education Development Trust: March 2023 - read report

Supporting the Education of Marginalised Girls in Kailali, Mercy Corps: March 2021 - read report

Sisters for Sisters, VSO: June 2021 - read report

Educating Nigerian Girls in New Enterprises, Mercy Corps: September 2020 - read report

Sierra Leone

GATE, Action Aid: November 2021 - read report

Educate Girls, End Poverty:  August 2020 - read report

Somali Girls’ Education Promotion Project–Transition (SOMGEP-T): March 2022 - read report

Girls Learn, Succeed and Lead, Camfed: March 2022 - read report

Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
The virtuous cycle of girls’ education, CAMFED International: February 2022 – read report


GEARR-ing Up for Success After School, PEAS: August 2021 - read report

Girls’ Education Finance: Empowerment for Girls’ Education, Opportunity International:  August 2020 - read report

Building Girls to Live, Learn, Laugh and ‘SCHIP’ in Strong, Creative, Holistic, Inclusive, Protective, Quality Education, Viva and CRANE: April 2024 - read report


Improving Girls’ Access through Transforming Education, World Vision UK: October 2021 - read report