
Building Girls to Live, Learn, Laugh and ‘SCHIP’ in Strong, Creative, Holistic, Inclusive, Protective, Quality Education

This project supported 10,923 marginalised girls. Girls and their families were supported through mother-daughter and peer clubs, and 18 creative learning centres (CLCs).

Career development and work-based learning opportunities are provided, as well as catch up classes and learning assistance in literacy and numeracy. The project also focuses on strengthening links between the school, community and local government to protect children from abuse. Children learn their rights and responsibilities in protecting themselves and their peers in 'Safe Clubs'. Positive Parenting training is available to caretakers and parents.

  • Numeracy and literacy programmes that relate to the girls’ lives and employment opportunities
  • Life, career development and vocational skills training
  • Teacher training sessions
  • ICT skills development lessons
  • Mother-Daughter Clubs to help improve family communication skills and develop family plans
  • Income generating activities such as training on savings and financial literacy, and starting their own businesses
  • Emergency legal and medical support for abuse cases
  • School financial management and planning training
