
Let our Girls Succeed (Wasichana Wetu Wafaulu)

Project completed implementation in March 2023

Let our Girls Succeed supported 70,540 highly marginalised girls living in arid and semi-arid lands and slum areas in Kenya. It provided primary school girls with the qualifications, skills and confidence necessary to successfully transition to a productive next phase of life.

Through improved teaching quality, the majority of girls transitioned to secondary level education. With improved literacy and numeracy skills, the girls were also given the opportunity to attend higher performing schools. Other girls were also supported to transition to alternative pathways focused on employment and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to ensure that no girl is left behind.

  • Provided engaging catch-up classes for girls who have dropped out of school
  • Offered girls’ clubs in primary and secondary schools which included peer mentoring and sexual and reproductive health training. These clubs were supported with income generating activities such as school gardening and poultry rearing
  • Identified apprenticeship opportunities within the private sector
  • Teacher coaching and training in 521 primary and 45 secondary schools with a focus on enhanced ICT competencies and gender-sensitive and inclusive approaches
  • Promoted income generating activities by awarding grants to mainly older girls and running community groups to support women
  • Provided needs-based financial support to assist with school costs or TVET fees
  • Worked closely with the Government and Ministries to improve 25 existing TVET centres

Education Development Trust: